10th Asian Constitutional Law Forum: “Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century”
We are pleased to announce that the 10th Asian Constitutional Forum (ACLF) will be held in Hong Kong on December 9-10, 2024, under the auspices of the University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Law and its Centre for Comparative and Public Law, with the support of the Association for Asian Constitutional Studies. The event is also part of the celebration of the 55th anniversary of our Faculty of Law. The overarching theme of the Forum is “Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century“. We are honoured that Professor Cheryl Saunders, Professor Gerald Postema and Professor Han Dayuan have agreed to deliver the keynotes for us at this Forum.
The ACLF is held once every two years under the auspices of the Association for Asian Constitutional Law Studies. Our Faculty of Law hosted the 4th ACLF in December 2011; the Institutum Iurisprudentiae of the Academia Sinica in Taipei hosted the 9th ACLF in May 2022. The Forums provide a forum for dialogue among scholars interested in constitutional law, constitutional theory and constitutional developments in Asia.
The 10th ACLF (“the Forum”) will be divided into plenary sessions and parallel sessions. We now invite proposals to present individual papers, proposals for fully-formed panels, and applications to simply attend the Forum. Applications and proposals may be submitted by filling in the forms below and e-mailing them to Mr. Max Hsu (ccpl@hku.hk).
Please note the following:
- The closing date for submission of proposals is 31 July 2024.
- The Forum will be mainly in English (with several designated parallel sessions in Chinese). Proposals to present papers at the Forum and panel proposals (to be further explained below) should be written in English or Chinese. Oral presentations at the Forum should be in English (except for the parallel sessions designated to be in Chinese).
- The proposed papers may relate to any aspect of constitutional law in Asia or related fields, and need not be limited to the general theme of the Forum (“Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century”).
- Every participant at the Forum (including paper presenters, chairpersons and discussants at the panels mentioned below who are not presenting papers themselves, as well as those (“attendees”) not in any of these roles but would like to attend the Forum) should submit a ‘Participation Proposal Form’ (which, in the case of paper presenters, includes the title of the paper and an abstract of not more than 200 words). Paper presenters will make an oral presentation at the Forum (approximately 10-15 minutes depending on the total number of speakers at the relevant panel). Submission of full papers is welcomed but not required. Each participant at the Forum may propose to submit one or two papers (i.e. it might be possible for one person to present two papers at two different sessions of the Forum).
- Proposals to form a panel at a parallel session are welcomed. Panel organizers should submit a ‘Panel Proposal Form’. As mentioned above, each member of a panel should also (separately) submit ‘Participation Proposal Forms’ as mentioned above. Both forms can be found below. The ‘Panel Proposal Form’ should include the topic/title/theme of the panel, a description (in not more than 200 words) of the theme of the panel, the name of the organizer/chair of the panel, the names of the presenters of papers, the title of each paper, and the name of the discussant (commenting on the papers presented at the panel). The chair may also serve as a discussant, and may also serve as a paper presenter. The total number of persons speaking at the panel (including those speaking to present a paper or speaking as the discussant) should not be more than 5. As mentioned above, the same person may serve as both chair and discussant. The duration of each parallel session will be 75 minutes.
- Panel proposers are encouraged to bear in mind gender parity in organizing panels.
- The conference registration fee is waived for those presenting papers at the Forum or serving as chairs and discussants in panels if they submit their ‘Participation Proposal Form’ before 31 July 2024. The conference registration fee for those who are simply attending the Forum (i.e. the “attendees” mentioned above) is US$50 (HK$390). All conference participants who would like to join the Conference Dinner (on 9 Dec 2024) will be required to make a payment. Conference participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses. A list of recommended hotels will be provided in due course.
- Inquiries may be emailed to Mr. Max Hsu (ccpl@hku.hk).
The Forum will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet fellow scholars in the field of Asian constitutional law to discuss topics of common interest. We hope you will be able to join us in Hong Kong!
Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
April 2024
1. Participation Proposal Form
Please either (1) download the form [Link] and email it to us as mentioned above, or (2) fill in the form online [Link]
2. Panel Proposal Form
Please either (1) download the form [Link] and email it to us as mentioned above, or (2) fill in the form online [Link]
第十届亚洲宪法学论坛: “二十一世纪亚洲的宪法变迁”
第十届亚洲宪法学论坛(10th Asian Constitutional Law Forum)将于2024年12月9至10日于香港大学举行。此次会议由香港大学法律学院及香港大学比较法与公法研究中心主办,为香港大学法律学院建院55周年的庆祝活动之一。本次大会主题是:“二十一世纪亚洲的宪法变迁”(Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century)。
亚洲宪法学论坛每两年在亚洲不同城市举行,每次论坛都有数十名或过百名来自亚洲以至西方国家的学者参加。2024年12月在香港大学法律学院举行的此次论坛将分为全体会议以及分组会议,申请参加论坛的报名表格见于本通告的附件,请填写附件表格并电邮给 Max Hsu 先生(ccpl@hku.hk)。
• 提交报名表格(包括“参加论坛表格”和“组织小组表格”)的截止时间为2024年7月31日。
• 会议语言主要是英文,但部分分组会议可采用中文发言(但会议主办方不提供翻译)。
• 会议论文可以是关于亚洲宪法学研究或相关领域的任何方面,并不限於本次论坛的主题(“二十一世纪亚洲的宪法变迁”)。
• 所有参加会议的学者(包括论文报告人、下述主持人、评论人,以及参加本论坛但不担任论文报告人、主持人或评论人的其他参加者)须提交“参加论坛表格”。会议主办方特别欢迎参加者自行组成小组(panel)参加分组会议(parallel sessions)。“参加论坛表格”及“组织小组表格”均见于本通知的附件。
• 我们将安排参加本次论坛的论文报告人在会议中作口头发言(约10-15分钟,视乎有关分组会议的报告人人数而定);大会不硬性要求参加者提交论文全文。每位参加本论坛的学者最多可提交两篇论文建议(即可最多在两个分组会议上担任论文报告人)。
• 参加自行组织的分组会议的每位学者仍须提交“参加论坛表格”,并同时由组建该分组会议的小组的学者提交“组织小组表格”;“组织小组表格”的内容包括分组会议的题目和不超过中文400字或英文200字的简介、主持人(即组建该小组的学者)及评论人姓名丶各位报告人(在分组会议宣读论文者)的姓名丶每位报告人的论文题目。分组会议的主持人可以同时兼任该分组会议的评论人及/或报告人之一。主持人、评论人及报告人均须另外提交上述“参加论坛表格”。在分组会议以报告人或评论人身份发言者的总人数不应超过五人,分组会议的时间长度是75分钟。会议主办方特别鼓励组建有男女学者共同参加的分组会议。
• 本次论坛的报名费(登记费)为港币390元,在7月31日前提交“参加论坛表格”的论文报告人、主持人和评论人可获豁免报名费。12月9日会议晚宴的所有参加者须缴付有关餐费,详情稍后公布。参加本论坛的旅费及住宿费自理,稍后将提供港大附近的酒店的资料。
• 如有查询,请电邮香港大学法律学院徐皓(Max Hsu)先生(电邮地址:ccpl@hku.hk)。
1. 参加论坛表格
您可以 (1) 下载此表 [链接] 并将其直接发送到上述电邮, 或者 (2) 直接填写在线问卷 [链接]
2. 组织小组表格
您可以 (1) 下载此表 [链接] 并将其直接发送到上述电邮, 或者 (2) 直接填写在线问卷 [链接]