法社會學信札 (2024)
(Letters on Sociology of Law)
Sida Liu

Deference in Human Rights Adjudication (2024)
Cora Chan

The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Law (2024)
Edited by Mathias Siems and Po Jen Yap

The Constitutional System of the Hong Kong SAR (2023)
Albert H.Y. Chen and Po Jen Yap

Routledge Handbook of Asian Parliaments (2023)
Edited by Po Jen Yap and Rehan Abeyratne

The National Security Law of Hong Kong: Restoration and Transformation (2022)
Edited by Hualing Fu and Michael Hor

Constitutional Convergence in East Asia (2021)
Po Jen Yap and Chien-Chih Lin

The Changing Legal Orders in Hong Kong and Mainland China: Essays on “One Country, Two Systems” (2021)
Albert H.Y. Chen

Proportionality in Asia (2020)
Edited by Po Jen Yap

Authoritarian Legality in Asia – Formation, Development and Transition (2020)
Edited by Weitseng Chen and Hualing Fu

China’s National Security – Endangering Hong Kong’s Rule of Law? (2020)
Edited by Cora Chan and Fiona de Londras

Constitutional Remedies in Asia (2019)
Edited by Po Jen Yap

Courts and Democracies in Asia (2017)
Po Jen Yap

Judicial Review of Election in Asia (2016)
Edited by Po Jen Yap

The Integrity of Criminal Process: From Theory into Practice (2016)
Edited by Jill Hunter, Paul Roberts, Simon N.M Young and Davis Dixon

Hong Kong Basic Law Bibliography – Second Edition (2016)
Edited by Simon N.M Young and Po Jen Yap

Constitutional Dialogue in Common Law Asia (2015)
Po Jen Yap
The Hochelaga Lectures 2013-14 – A Decent Respect: Honour in the Life of People and of Nations (2014)
Kwame Anthony Appiah

Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal – The Development of the Law in China’s Hong Kong (2013)
Edited by Simon N.M Young and Yash Ghai

Electing Hong Kong’s Chief Executive – A Study Commissioned by Civic Exchange (2011)
Simon N.M Young and Richard Cullen

Constitutional Reform for Good Governance in the HKSAR (2010)
Ming Sing and Lucy Cummings

Functional Constituencies: A Unique Feature of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (2006)
Edited by Christine Loh and Civic Exchange

Hong Kong Basic Law Bibliography – First Edition (2006)
Edited by Simon N.M Young

Hong Kong’s Constitutional Debate: Conflict Over Interpretation (2000)
Edited by Johannes Chan, Hualing Fu and Yash Ghai